Hi everybody, it’s Ty here! Since you last heard from me, I had an additional surgery to remove some of the metal rods from my leg, and now I am fully healed and feeling fantastic! You would never even know that I had surgery, I can run, jump and play like a champion, I don’t even limp anymore! Thank you sooooo much to the great doctors at Hollywood Animal Hospital and the wonderful folks at CPR for taking me in and getting me fixed up, I will be forever grateful!
And, guess who found the best forever home in the world? That’s right, I did! I have a new Daddy that loves and adores me! I don’t have any brothers or sisters yet, but I love being the only doggie in the house so that I can be spoiled rotten! We live in a cool condo right by park and the beach, so there are always lots of dogs and people in the neighborhood for me to play with when my Dad takes me for walks – in fact, everybody already knows me by name in the neighborhood, I am so happy!
Well, I will let my Dad say a few words now. bye bye!
They say the best things in life come to you when you aren’t looking for them. I definitely wasn’t looking for a dog—I thought that I didn’t have the time to take on such a big responsibility. I happened to stumble upon the CPR Website one day, and I read Ty’s story which touched my heart. I donated some money to his cause, and a few weeks later CPR contacted me to say thanks and ask if I would like to foster care for Ty – I had some hesitations, but I agreed. Well, after spending some time with Ty, I absolutely fell in love with him. He is a little guy with a big personality and such a sweet boy! I couldn’t think of a better match than me and Ty. The little guy has really changed my life and I feel truly blessed to have him. I sincerely want to thank CPR for saving Ty’s life and giving me the opportunity to adopt him.
-Ty and Brent