Hello! My name is Stitch, you may remember me as Sissy / Sugar who was recently up for adoption. I’m told my name comes from a Disney movie called Lilo and Stitch, my new mom’s son says I look like Stitch! This terrific family includes a 3 year old Puggle named Pogo, 10 year old cat Geraldine and Zack the turtle. My adoptive mom and her son are making me feel right at home and have given me baths already and today I had my first swimming lesson, I did really good!!
Pogo has become my best friend and my new mom calls me her little shadow. I follow what she does (where she sniffs, where she pees, what she plays with) and both mom and son praise me for being such a good girl! Mom says I am 90% potty trained and a really good eater with great energy. I love to lay on my back on the boy’s lap and let him stroke my belly. It just turns me into a complete marshmallow!
CPR even got my new mom in touch with my brother’s mom, who I was separated from. He lives in the Keys but mom says we are going to take a trip down to visit him real soon. His mom and my mom have exchanged emails and photos, I can’t wait to see him again!
Thank you CPR for my new forever home!!