“Upon meeting Ollie he had lots of energy for a senior pug, and he was always panting as if to smile. I just adored him so I rescue him that same day. At first the little guy had some difficulties, corneal spots, overweight, bladder stones, and the worst, seizures, but I am determined to give him all of the best care he needs.
Some of the highlights of his personality are just incredible to me. He’s soooo hilarious! Always panting which I consider smiling, and he loves to play chase. I grab his paws, he tries to bite me, playing of course, then he runs away and comes back for more. I LOVE this pug. And I’m so happy I adopted him, that he has brought me so much joy and laughter along with the icing on the cake as being a reminder of Angelina. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. I am happy Compassionate Pug Rescue advised me to consider a senior and I just wish I could adopt more pugs. Love the breed, their moxie, laziness, and passion for foods is just so endearing to me. Thanks CPR for rescuing Ollie and for giving him to me. I couldn’t imagine a better match!”
Little Ollie is indeed blessed. I am constantly awed for the amazing adopters that our “special needs” pugs have to love them -no matter what.
Priscilla as you read above would move heaven and earth to make her pugs happy and healthy!
Let’s keep this special boy and his mom in our thoughts …