PUG-A-BOO 5K Virtual Run

Date(s) - 10/29/2016 - 11/05/2016
All Day
It’s BACK!
Our ever popular 5K virtual run is here just in time for Halloween! Between Oct 29th – Nov 15th, You can walk, jog, run, bike, swim….whatever gets you moving! You choose when and how you get it done! Every $25.00 sign up includes a race bib and finishers medal!
An adorable t-shirt can be purchased separately in the menu on the sign up website under “Store”!
All medals, bibs, and t-shirts will begin shipping the week of October 24, 2016.
Click Here to Sign Up! Sign up must be completed by November 4th!
So what are ya waiting for?!?! Sign up and let’s get going to raise much needed funds for Compassionate Pug Rescue!
Thank you!