Oback aka Obie

Obie came to CPR as an owner surrender at approximately 12 years old. This little guy required two surgeries for parathyroid carcinoma, and a procedure to remove bladder stones. Due to chronically high calcium levels, the potential for kidney failure, and a degenerative spine condition, he was transitioned into his permanent foster home. Do you think any of these things keep him down though? Of course not! This little love bug stays on the go, and loves being in the middle of whatever is going on at the time.
Some of Obie’s favorite things are feeling time, cuddling, “walking” in his stroller with his foster siblings, and listening to his foster Daddy play guitar(especially Blues tunes). He has become best friends with fellow CPR alumni,Cletus, And they follow Mommy around wherever she goes. His “wonky” walk does not slow him down, as he is fast to move to get into unsuspecting paper products and treats. Obie provides constant entertainment with his snorts, sneezes, and facial expressions. Everywhere he goes, this scamp is a crowd favorite. You can typically find him out and about at local pug meets ups, holding court.
Obie requires special food for his kidney condition, as well as daily eye drops and pain medication for his back. Thanks to CPR taking him in and providing his medical treatment and his loving foster parents! Obie has gone from a senior dog being left outside to a spoiled little man sleeping in bed with family that loves him very much.